The Best and Easiest Vegan and Gluten Free Pita Bread
You have been asking for my vegan and gluten free pita bread recipe for a long time. After deliberation, I decided to share it with you all. It was a hard decision to make. On one hand I wanted to accommodate you and give you the recipe to make your own bread, but on the other hand I thought this bread recipe is going to make me famous! Oh well, the angel on my shoulder persuaded me over my business side. Although, I will still wait patiently for a call, hopefully from Ellen Degeneres. Here is the recipe:
I will first have tell you that I make my own savory gluten free flour mixture that I use for all my gluten free savory baking.Sanaa's gluten free flour mixture for savory baking:1 cup white sorghum flour1 cup potato starch1 cup potato flour1 cup brown rice flour1 cup tapioca flour-Mix well and place in tight container.
Vegan and Gluten Free Pita BreadMakes 12 loafs3 cups Sanaa's gluten free flour mixture for savory
1/2 cup cooked and pureed white rice*1 cup cooked white quinoa **1 cup warm water1 tablespoon yeast1 tablespoon sugar1 teaspoon salt3 tablespoons olive oil-Mix the yeast with the warm water and the yeast. Let it rest and allow the yeast to rise and double in size.-Place the pureed cooked rice with the cooked quinoa in bread mixer and mix using the hook until you have smooth paste.-Add the GF flour mixture and mix well. Add the yeast mixture, the olive oil and continue on mixing until all the flour is incorporated. Sprinkle with couple tablespoons of warm water on the tough dough and mix. Repeat this step until you have smooth dough and the dough start to pull away from the ball.
-Transfer the dough to flat surface dusted with GF flour, of course,. Dust your palms with the flour and cut the dough into 2-inches size balls. Place on the dusted flour surface.-You can flatten the bread to 1/8-inch thick circle using bread rolling pin or, do like me, I use tortilla maker to flatten the dough.-Line trays with parchment paper and then place the flatten bread on the paper and allow it to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.-Slides the parchment paper on the hot baking stone and allow the bread to bake. It takes about 3-4 minutes for the pita bread to pop. Take the bread out and allow it to rest before wrapping it.
*Take 1 cup short grain rice cover with 4 cups of water, bring to boil. Cook until the rice is over cooked and mushy. Allow the rice to cool slightly and puree in a food processor into smooth paste. I use this rice as my sticking agent that hold every thing together. You can freeze what you don't need and use it later.**Take 1 cup of white or red quinoa, cover with 3 cups of water and bring to boil. Cook until the water almost evaporated and the quinoa mushy and over cooked. The quinoa give the bread the texture of whole wheat bread.