Stuffed vegetable part 2/ the easy way..Stuffed zucchini with bulgur
Stuffed zucchini with bulgur and garbanzo beansserves 44 zucchinis2 cups coarse bulgur or #31 cup cooked garbanzo beans4 scallions, chopped2 medium ripe tomatoes, diced1/4 cup chopped fresh mintzest of two lemons1/4 cup tomato paste1 clove garlic, mashedsalt and pepper to taste
-Place the bulgur in bowl, cover with water and allow it to rest for 20 minutes. Squeeze the excess water and place the soft bulgur in a bowl. Add the cooked garbanzo beans, the chopped scallions and 1/2 of the chopped tomatoes, half of the chopped mint, the lemon zest, salt and pepper. Toss well. This stuffing is good on it is own. Set aside.
-Cut the zucchini lengthwise in half. Bring salted water to a boil and drop the cut zucchinis, bring back to boil and cook for couple minutes. Remove from the heat and drain the water.-Using teaspoon spoon the seeds from the inside the zucchini and place in baking dish.
-Spoon the bulgur stuffing inside the cavity of the zucchini and over the zucchinis.-Whisk the tomato paste with 2 cups of water, the rest of the tomatoes, the garlic, the rest of the mint, and salt and pepper. Spoon the sauce over the zucchini, cover with foil and bake in 395 F. degrees oven for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve hot or room temperature.